Thursday, November 28, 2019

Obesity Could Be Catching

This article by Emma Woollacott entitled Obesity Could Be Catching, is a medical related article. This article tries to find obesity related issues leading to the infection of liver diseases.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Obesity Could Be Catching specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Briefly, the  article  clearly seeks to  illustrate reasons behind the occurrences of obesity and its side effects, for instance infections. Moreover, the article points out the way Yale scientist tested mice and found out that they could develop Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. They also came to the conclusion that antibiotic treatment of mice could bring microbial composition back to normal. NAPLD can also be found in humans; 30 million people suffer from it in the United States. NAPLD leads to obesity and diabetes. Scientists hope they can find a treatment or cure for humans (Woollacott p. 1). They are eager to find a lastin g solution of the liver disease that has affected many people in the world. The article highlights the  process  carried out to  detect  how the microbes that cause obesity could be transferred from one person to the other (Woollacott p. 1). It is necessary to note that this is not  directly  administered to human beings. Given that it is an  experiment, scientists are keen on using animals first until facts prove that it is safe for human. It was clear from the experiment that the microbes causing the  disease  are contagious since the healthy mice kept with the  infected   were found  to be possessing microbes (Woollacott p. 1). Woollacott further indicates that there are  certain  proteins responsible for the development of an immune system. The  article  also gives the discoveries by the Yale University team on the presence of the same inflammasomes microbes that profoundly contribute to the liver disease known as the â€Å"non-alcoholic fatty li ver disease NAFLD† (Woollacott E p. 1). Woollacott  further  says that the experiments prove that this comes along with other disease such as diabetes being also a  serious  cause of the deadly liver infections found in the western world. The  article  gives statistics on the people who suffer from the NAFLD infections in the US only. It is  shocking  to  note  this is a serious threat to the future health. It  is estimated  that  approximately   30 million suffer from NAFLD. These people are at the risk of contracting cirrhosis and the liver cancer (Woollacott E p. 1). It is  alarming  that even  today  no reason  has been given  to this.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Since  proper  research and documented  proof  is available, this  research  is valid. The statistics given in the article reflects a true finding. It i s my heartfelt  opinion  that permission should be granted for it to  move  to the next stage. Donors should be  willing  to  finance  the project since many Americans are at risk. Once the experiments  are done  on human and proved to be efficient, many lives  will be saved. The government should as well be willing to sponsor volunteers to undertake the experiments. Medical findings in America should be given priorities. Good incentives should be given to the devoted scientists to  keep  on the spirit of finding permanent health solutions for Americans. The experiments   done  on mice will be  positive since mice are mammals meaning that their  body  systems are similar to those of the human beings, which gives the scientists some confidence that  positive  results  will be obtained. Works Cited Woollacott, Emma. â€Å" Obesity-Could-Be-Catching† . TG DAILY. February 6, 2012. Web. Accessed from -be-catching/ This essay on Obesity Could Be Catching was written and submitted by user SquirrelGirl to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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